If you are unable to keep your appointment please notify the surgery as soon as possible by telephoning reception. Please remember that if you cannot make an appointment someone else could
One appointment is for one person. If you want another member of your family to see the doctor or nurse, please book a further appointment.
When arriving at the surgery for your appointment, always inform reception.
Sometimes people can forget to tell the doctor all the important information about their problem. It may help to write their symptoms down.
If you don’t understand what the doctor or nurse says to you, please don’t be afraid to ask for a further explanation.
It can sometimes help to have a partner or friend with you.
If you are seeing the doctor to discuss the result of an investigation or a recent hospital treatment, check with reception first that any important results or letters have been received. This can be done by telephoning the surgery AFTER 11:00am on weekdays.
Appointments are not for completion of insurance forms or renewal of sickness certificates. Please contact Bernie on 02476381999 for more information.
If you would like a chaperone please speak to reception on your arrival